I am Cristin Dorigatti, trend hunter and founder of Tangible Trend Research
I have been gathering experience in the Design and Communication Business since 2000 and shaped my professional identity thanks to a natural curiosity for the unusual, a passion for shopping and an exceptional creative imagination, which have made me into a precious resource for the fashion system
I gained my diploma in Visual Communication and Design at the Palladio Institute of Design of Verona
I worked in Rome and Milan as Graphic and Textile Designer for Fashion, as Art Director in Advertising Companies, as costume designer for a videogame and I created a collection of contemporary jewellery until 2015
I then took up trend research to support stylistic design in the Haute Couture sector, building what has become my own Tangible Trend Research project
I have always admired the profession of a trend hunter, sensing it as perfectly tailored for my personality and ideal to enhance my talents. I am aware that my DNA is drawn to seeking out what is most beautiful and novel and I can recollect significant instances of this ever since childhood
To create innovative solutions and contribute to the success of an idea
I like to make my clients feel supported and reassured in knowing they can count on me
I share energy with the people I collaborate with and generate enthusiasm
I use my organisational and design skills to benefit prompt speediness
I dig deep to uncover and bring to light the most adequate and original solutions